Bình Thuận: Low Consumption of Commercial Shrimp

Stabilized Aquaculture with Challenging Market Conditions

Bình Thuận’s aquaculture industry has achieved stability earlier this year, as reported by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a significant decline in the consumption of commercial shrimp. This, coupled with falling prices, has led farmers to reduce their farming capacity and stocking.

Bình Thuận: Low consumption of commercial shrimp

Impact on Seafood Output

As a consequence of the challenging market conditions, the seafood output in Bình Thuận province has reached 6,670 tons so far, representing a decline of 3.3% compared to last year’s output. This output is also lower than the scheduled target of 13,200 tons for this year.

Difficulties in Shrimp Production

The shrimp production sector in the province is currently facing various difficulties. These include low consumption, a sharp decline in prices, halted production facilities, and a reduction in intensive farming capacity.

Strategies to Encourage Aquaculture Development

To address these challenges, the provincial agricultural industry suggests implementing several measures. First, professional agencies and units should actively encourage farmers and companies to engage in aquaculture combined with processing activities. This integration can help create high-value-added products and prioritize the cultivation of beneficial species. Additionally, there is a need to expand the farming area to ensure sustainable growth.

Quality Control and Market Sustainability

Improving the quality control of imported broodstocks and post larvae is crucial for sustaining the credibility of Bình Thuận’s shrimp in the market. This step will also help tackle the difficult market situation and boost consumption. The industry has set a target of producing and selling 24.3 billion post larvae in 2020, highlighting the commitment to enhance productivity and meet market demand.

In conclusion, while Bình Thuận’s aquaculture sector has achieved stability, the low consumption of commercial shrimp and falling prices have presented challenges. By focusing on developing aquaculture in conjunction with processing, prioritizing beneficial species, expanding farming areas, and improving quality control, the industry aims to overcome these obstacles and ensure the long-term sustainability of Bình Thuận’s shrimp industry.

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