Young’s Seafood CEO Urges Industry Best Practices Advocacy

Pete Ward’s Speech at the World Seafood Congress

Pete Ward, Chief Executive of Young’s Seafood Limited, delivered a speech at the prestigious World Seafood Congress, urging the industry to uphold best practices in sustainability, manufacturing, innovation, and quality.

Young’s Seafood Chief Executive calls for seafood industry to champion best practice

The event serves as a platform for global seafood processors, importers, academia, public and private organizations, fish inspectors, and government representatives to discuss critical issues within the fish and seafood sector. This year’s Congress, held in Grimsby, focuses on the theme of “upskilling for a sustainable future.” Young’s Seafood Limited is a Platinum Sponsor of the event.

The Importance of Best Practices and Responsible Sourcing

During his speech, Pete Ward highlighted the significance of the World Seafood Congress in facilitating the exchange of knowledge and experiences, enabling collaboration on the challenges and opportunities faced by the industry.

Ward emphasized that the seafood sector not only plays a vital role in communities but also in ensuring food security for the growing global population. As protein demand continues to rise, responsibly sourced fish can contribute to addressing hunger issues. Ward stressed the need for the industry to adopt a long-term perspective and champion best practices and responsible sourcing to adapt to the global changes taking place.

Confidence in the Recovery of North Sea Cod Stocks

Following Pete Ward’s call for best practices, a partnership between fishermen’s organizations, processors, and retailers recently expressed widespread confidence in the recovery of North Sea cod stocks. As a result, the fishery will undergo assessment for certification to the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) global standard for sustainability. Young’s Seafood Limited played a significant role in this initiative, with their Marine Biologist, David Parker, providing technical services.

Diverse Speakers and Showcasing Innovations

In addition to Pete Ward, other notable speakers from Young’s Seafood Limited and various esteemed organizations are set to address the World Seafood Congress. Representatives from the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, the Food and Agriculture Organization, Seafish, as well as academics, NGOs, and industry leaders, will contribute their expertise.

The Seafood Fayre, held alongside the Congress, featured innovative products and delicious fish dishes prepared by Young’s Development Chef Serge Nollent and his team. The event provided an opportunity for attendees to explore new culinary trends and global flavors. Other fish and food processors also showcased their offerings at the Fayre.


The World Seafood Congress, held in Grimsby, UK, from September 5th to 9th, serves as a vital platform for fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing, and advancing best practices in the seafood industry. With a focus on sustainability, manufacturing, innovation, and quality, the event brings together diverse stakeholders to address the challenges and opportunities in the sector.

Pete Ward’s speech and Young’s Seafood Limited’s involvement underscore their commitment to responsible sourcing and driving positive change within the industry.

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